is Where You Find It!
One of
the joys of being an inhabitant of this spinning orb called earth
is that you may encounter art anywhere, anyplace, or anytime.
Sometimes art may be as subtle as a sculpture in front of an office
building or a mural on a wall. Other times, art is "in your
face", screaming out questions in your mind as fast as your
eye can process what you're seeing. What is it? What does it mean?
I hate it! I love it! Huh? Where did he get those cool Planet
of The Apes figures?
We found
this "mobile" work of art in front of the Lighthouse
in Santa Cruz, CA. The artist goes by the name "Brother"
and calls his creation Starship Utopia/Temple of Being.
Art is
truly where you find it. Get out there and look around, you may
be surprised at what you see!
Utopia/Temple of Being
Santa Cruz, CA
Photo: K. Lang

Utopia/Temple of Being
Santa Cruz, CA
Photo: K. Lang

Utopia/Temple of Being
Santa Cruz, CA
Photo: K. Lang

Utopia/Temple of Being
Santa Cruz, CA
Photo: K. Lang

Utopia/Temple of Being
Santa Cruz, CA
Photo: K. Lang

Utopia/Temple of Being
Note the cool Planet of the Apes figures
Santa Cruz, CA
Photo: K. Lang